Socfin, registered in Luxembourg, is involved in a broad range of agricultural activities in Africa and Asia. The company website can be foundĀ here.

Socfin has invested in a number of plantations in both Africa and Asia. The countries in which Socfin is working can be plotted on the map by choosing cc4 – Socfin HQ and plantations in the “CompaniesĀ on the map” panel.

sl4 – Socfin (SAC) – Sierra Leone (palm oil)

ni1 – Okumu Oil Palm Company – Nigeria (palm oil and rubber)

Socfin (SoGB) – Ivory Coast (palm oil and rubber)

Sud Comoe Caoutchouc (SCC) – Ivory Coast (rubber)

Societe Camerounaise de Palmeraies (Socapalm) – Cameroon (palm tree)

Liberian Agricultural Company (LAC) – Liberia (rubber)

Societe Africaine Forest. et Agricole du Cameroun (Safacam) – Cameroon (rubber)

Brabanta (Brabanta) – DR Congo (palm tree)

PT Socfin Indonesia Medan (Socfindo) – Indonesia (rubber and palm tree)

SOCFIN KCD (Socfin KCD) – Cambodia (rubber)

Socfin investments also include SPFS (Cameroon), Varanasi, Sethikula, Coviphama (all Cambodia), Agripalma (Sao Tome and Principe), PSG (Ghana) and SRC (Liberia). The Socfin website only offers limited information on these investments.

More Socfin investments will be added in near future.