GIS and GPS training by Lukey Kwadraat – In the old days map making was done by cartographers who drew maps using pencils and papers. Nowadays map making is made easy by the availability of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Lukey Kwadraat is offering training in GIS skills for members of local NGOs. Emphasis during the GIS training is on developing basic GIS skills. After the training participants are able to use GIS software and to gather, store and analyse geographical information and to make their own maps. Free open source QGIS software is used during the training. GIS training can of course be tailor made, according to the wishes of the NGOs involved. If desired, learning how to handle GPS devices can be part of the training.

An example of a GIS and GPS training that was developed is the training that was conducted for the “Evidence Based Lobby and Advocacy on land grab and land issues in Sierra Leone” project. In this Cordaid funded project Lukey Kwadraat, as partner of the Coalition Factory, offered tailor made GIS training to three local NGOs in Sierra Leone. Several training sessions were organised in the period 2013-2015.

In a number of other training sessions GIS and GPS skills were learned by a number of Asian NGOs. These trainings took two to four days.